My Nest
Why home decor is oh-so important
"Your home should create a picture of who and what you love most"
My home is not only my single lady cave, but also my workplace.
It's my personal workshop where I spend hours grinding away editing, inhaling coffee, answering client emails, all the while simultaneously watching my favorite tv shows. Now where does decor come into play in all of this?
It stems from the saying you've heard a million times, "look good, play good", but this is especially important as a creative entrepreneur (so listen close). Think of your home as your vision board. If you spend hours grinding away in what seems like a dark, bland, ugly dungeon (ew); there's a giant chance you'll find yourself in a creative funk wondering why you feel uninspired and unmotivated.
Decor. Yep. That's the ticket. Personalize your world, and your home.
Design your home how you design your world. Think of your furniture as your steady family, your curtains and pillows as your badass friendships, and your unique trinkets as your hobbies you simply can't seem to get enough of.
For me as a young creator, it was important to make this happen (yes), but like also on the budget of a fresh out of college single lady with bills to pay (ya know what I'm sayin'). So here's one tip to help get your started;
1. Save your wine and liquor bottles and grab some chalk paint.
Chalk paint is so easy to use. Literally all you need to do here is remove any and all stickers and labels from the bottle you saved. Start with two solid coats of chalk paint on your bottle, make sure you let it dry, and then grab a few squares of sandpaper and get to it. Sand away at any corners to allow for details and any and all designs to come out. You'll end with a unique (extremely cheap) trinket for your home. My personal favorite bottles to use are Crown Royal bottles! (I did mine in white as you can see below)
When you finished your bottle, pat yourself on the back, and admire your pretty art. It's always been so fun for me to take something a lot of people would toss away, and instead create something beatiful. Trash to treasure. Maybe even treat yourself with a yummy drink in the process!
I think you deserve it, just sayin'...
Simply put; take care of yourself, take care of your nest, and then sit back, refill your favorite coffee cup, and get back to work dammit (even if it is at home).