Dallas Texas Personalized Portrait Photographer
About Me
I'm Kori Renee Davis- a full-time professional photographer and lifestyle blogger living in Dallas, TX. I specialize primarily in personalized portrait work. I get wild eyes for documenting other’s biggest moments in this life. I’m a learner, a lover, a story teller, a fighter, and a friend. My true joy has and always will come from serving others using my gifts.
The Basics (FAQ's)
"Where are you from?"
I was born and raised in good ole' Abilene, Texas. I graduated from Cooper High School in 2012 at just 16 years old. I still visit Abilene often actually! In my opinion, what Abilene lacks in "what to do for fun, it makes up for in the quality of the people. I love being a freelance photographer in the big city of Dallas, but I will always feel loyal to Abilene for challenging my creativity and giving me such an incredible baseline to begin my journey.
"When did you start photography?"
I started photography at age 14 purely out of a passion for creativity and self expression. Around a year into it I found myself doing senior portraits almost every other day. I still remember doing my first wedding at 15. (Yep yall, my mother had to drop me off lol)
"What was your major in college?"
I graduated from Colorado Mesa University with my Bachelor's in Nursing (BSN) back in 2016. I absolutely loved living in Grand Junction, Colorado! I continued to pursue photography in college and often traveled for weddings all over the country. One of the best days of my life was when I received the phonecall that I had been selected to be a Colorado Mesa University Ambassador. To this day I am still so passionate about Colorado Mesa University. I couldn't have asked for a better experience!
"So, wait, are you still working as a nurse?"
Yep, plain and simple I can multitask with the best of them! I am currently working as a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse (NICU) nurse in South Dallas. I love serving others not only through photography, but also in a health care setting. My career in nursing has been such a gift, and it continues to bring so much joy into my life! Sometimes I even get to use my photography here as a newborn photographer! (Crazy huh?) Okay and lastly, let's all be honest, I work with the cutest patients in the hospital. No competition there folks.
Okay but honestly...
1. I have never met a stranger.
2. Dancing at home alone for your dog is the best form of cardio. Hands down.
3. I would consider myself very much so an "every-person-kind-of-person" person.
4. Failing is one of the best ways to learn.
6. Giving to others is self love at it's prime.
7. Belly laughs are healing.
8. Confidence and consistency are the key.
9 . I drink more chocolate milk than a four year old boy.
10. And I believe He meant it when He said, "Above all else love one another."
I want my brand, my blog, and my photography to be a place where individuals know they are heard.
Here you are always included & forever invited.